What to expect?


During a typical Sunday Service we usually:

  • Sing several songs

  • Read a passage from the Bible

  • Hear someone give a talk from the Bible

  • Pray for each other, the surrounding community, and the world


After the service we always have a drink and something to eat, and sometimes people go out for dinner together - we would love you to join us!


To make your time with us easier we try to:

  • Avoid (or explain) Christian jargon.

  • Put people at ease, even if they've never been to church before.

  • Make it clear that we don't expect visitors to contribute financially to the church.

  • Do our best not to make "in" references to people, places or events - as if everyone knows what's going on!

  • Avoid emotional-hype, acting like we've got everything together, and fake religiosity; we're ordinary, open people, who follow Jesus.


We don’t always do well at these things, but we're working on it! By the way, feel free to wear whatever you like  – don't feel you need to dress up.





Everything we do at DPC is about helping people experience the deep satisfaction that comes through knowing and serving Christ - that's how central Jesus is! 

If you would like to explore what it might look like for you to know Christ, we would love you to help you.

You can start your journey by coming to church one Sunday, or you might be interested in attending one of the courses outlined below.


The Reason for God

The World we all want

All of us dream of a better world - a world of peace, security, plenty, and friendship. Christians believe that God promises to bring about this world.  The Bible is the story of what God has done in Christ, and what he will do through Christ, to keep that promise. Hence, ‘The World We All Want” is for anyone who is interested in exploring the central message of Christianity.

If you have doubts, questions or objections to Christianity, you might be interested in this course.  The course aims to provide a safe place for skeptics to explore and discuss six of the most common objections to Christianity, including “Isn’t the Bible a Myth?”, “Why Does God Allow Suffering?” and “Why is the Church Full of Hypocrisy?” 

Please contact us if you would like more information

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Newcomers meal

New to DPC? Join us for a meal to get to meet and know us better. It’s a chance to meet Pastor Adam and others from our DPC family.

Upcoming events:

  • Sunday February 9th, 6:15pm in the church hall. Dinner provided.

Fill in this form (or scan the QR code) if you would like to attend. Contact Meredith at newcomers@darebinpc.com.au if you have questions.


 Book Club

We are running a monthly online book club.

Current book: Ten Words to Live By - Jen Wilkin

Next session: Thursday 28th March February, looking at chapter 2.

Online via this link from 8-9pm (a Microsoft Teams link that can be opened in the app or in a browser).

All are welcome. Contact Jenn for more info.

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Have the challenges of COVID-19 caused you to ponder some bigger questions about your life and purpose and finding peace and security?

Join us for the Life Explored Course

FREE to join either in person or via zoom - choose what fits best for you.

Register below to express interest in when this will next run

These are strange times that have raised big questions for many. Questions about security, purpose, mortality. 

Please email to register your interest

What is Life Explored?

Life Explored is an informal, relaxed, creative, thought-provoking series that explores our longing for more. Through a series of short film stories shot around the world, each session raises questions such as: Where do I find happiness? What is fulfillment? If God exists, what do I want from him?

It's for anyone who wants to find contentment and happiness in life.  You won't be asked to pray or sing.  You can ask any question you like, or just sit and listen. “You almost feel like you’re getting a visit to the cinema together each time!”

Find out more: http://www.life.explo.red/

Watch the trailer: https://youtu.be/SIoZDiIpbpU

Feedback from PREVIOUS course participants:

“It was lovely to meet such beautiful people and learn about peoples' faith.”

“I really enjoyed having a regular time in the week when I could meet with a small group of people and talk about meaningful, interesting life matters - especially during such a tumultuous year.”

Would you recommend this course to a friend? “Yes! it’s a great series with great resources, and not a huge time commitment. The hosts are always warm and welcoming and it’s a great chance to think about the bigger questions in life.”

There are 7 sessions covering the following topics 

Session 1 The Good God

Session 2 The Trustworthy God 

Session 3 The Generous God

Session 4 The Liberating God

Session 5 The Fulfilling God

Session 6 The Life-Giving God

Session 7 The Joyful God

But don’t worry if you’re not available for all of them.

Structure of each session: 

  • Say Gday

  • Watch a short film 

  • Look at a passage from the Bible

  • Talk it through and listen to others in a small Zoom ‘breakout room’

  • Finish

Whoever you are, whatever you're thinking, Life Explored is a place for you to discuss and discover the secret to true contentment.

Register your interest: 

Register your interest here or contact lifeexplored@darebinpc.com.au if you have any questions.



There seems to have been a scarcity of "good news" this year. But Christians believe that the Bible really is "Good news for all the people"!

We'd love to help you look into the claims of the Bible for yourself in a very informal way.

Monday nights starting 4th october 7:45-9pm

Please email to register your interest

Christianity Explored is an established course that has been attended by thousands of people all over the world. It introduces people to the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and allows them to consider some really important questions about the true meaning of life


What happens?

Over 7 small group sessions, we learn about Jesus' life and teachings by reading through the Gospel of Mark in the Bible. During each session, we read a short section of the Bible, watch a film about the subject and then discuss the issues raised by the film. Each session covers a different aspect of Jesus' life. The topics include:

Who was Jesus?

Why did he come and why did he die?

Why is Jesus so important, and what does He still mean for us today?

The group sessions are relaxed and informal. You won't be asked to do anything that you're not comfortable doing. It's absolutely fine if you just prefer to sit and listen to the discussions.

Who can take part?

Anyone who wants to find out more about Jesus, His Good News and the Christian faith. You don't need to be a Christian.

Where does this happen?

Online, via Zoom. You can join us from home, work or even the garden shed. :)

When does this happen?

Every Monday night, starting Monday 4 October. We'll start each session at 7.45pm and should be finished by 9.00pm.

What will I need?

An internet connection and a way of logging into Zoom (e.g. computer, tablet or smart phone). There is no cost and we'll send you all the materials.

Where can I find out more?

Please take a look at the Christianity Explored website where there is a lot of related material: www.christianityexplored.org

How do I sign up?

Please click on the REGISTER button and fill out your details. There is no charge. We will send you the login details and course materials before the first session. Registration is open until 1 October.

FREE to join

Monday nights, starting Monday 4 October 7:45-9pm

Register here

Feedback from course participants:

“It was lovely to meet such beautiful people and learn about peoples' faith.”

“I found this course so good. I really enjoyed it and I’m so glad I did it.”

“I really enjoyed having a regular time in the week when I could meet with a small group of people and talk about meaningful, interesting life matters - especially during such a tumultuous year.”

Register your interest: 

Register here for the zoom link or contact lifeexplored@darebinpc.com.au


Feel free to contact lifeexplored@darebinpc.com.au if you would like more information