God is creating a new people who will one day live with him in a renewed heavens and earth. He sent his Son to die on the cross to pay for our rebellion against our Creator. As the Spirit works in us, we are drawn to God through repentance and faith. This unites us to Jesus and brings us into the universal church made up of all believers around the world and throughout time.
By becoming members of a local church, we give expression to this reality. We make it clear that we belong to Christ and his people and that we are committed to serving and being served by a particular group of believers. One way to picture it is that if the Christian life is a like a journey to heaven, then local church membership is about committing to a group of people to be your hiking companions. All of this is in line with the teaching of the Bible and the example of the early church, which is for our good and for God’s glory.
When we put our trust in Jesus, we receive his Spirit, which unites us to him and all other believers (Romans 8:9-11; 1 Corinthians 12:13). This is sometimes called ‘baptism by the Spirit’ since he is poured out upon us. Christians have always engaged in what can be called ‘water baptism’ which is a physical ceremony or rite where someone has water poured over them or they are immersed in water (Acts 8:38). This is a sign and seal of God’s promise to cleanse believers and to join them to his people. It is a sign of the actual cleansing that takes place by the Spirit and a seal which guarantees God’s commitment to fulfilling this promise.
Since baptism points to our union with Jesus Christ, it is necessary that people are first baptised by water before they become a member of a local church. This is partly about matching physical and spiritual realities: someone publicly undergoes the rite of baptism as a demonstration of their spiritual identity. It is also partly about obedience to Jesus as our Lord since he commanded that all his followers be baptised (Matthew 28:18-20).
At DPC we baptise both adult believers and the children of believers as an expression of our conviction that God has always dealt with families (Acts 2:38-39). While baptism by water does not save, it points to salvation and it points to entrance into the people of God such that all people who are baptised ought to be treated as members of God’s family.
When people become members at DPC or get baptised, we generally ask them to make the following vows. While some people also like to share their testimony (the story of how Jesus has worked in their life), it is not a requirement so don’t let any uncertainties or worries around public speaking put you off from becoming a member.
Do you believe in one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit?
Do you repent of your sin and, with a humble and grateful heart, put your trust in the grace of God and in Jesus Christ whose death on the cross takes away your sin?
Do you promise to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and to love your neighbour as yourself?
Do you promise to be faithful in prayer, in reading the Bible, and in sharing regularly with your fellow Christians in worship?
Do you promise to confess Christ before others and to give a God-honouring proportion of your time, talents and treasure for the advancement of the gospel?
Do you promise to regularly participate in the community, worship, service and mission of this congregation?
Do you promise to respect and submit to the elders of this church as they carry out their pastoral oversight – insofar as they shepherd you in accordance with God’s Word?
Do you acknowledge your dependence upon the Holy Spirit to equip you and to empower you to be faithful to your promises?
Do you, God’s people here at Darebin Presbyterian Church, promise to welcome these people into our midst, to uphold them in prayer and to extend to them your fellowship and encouragement in Christ?
Response: We do