Announcements May 23rd
We are so grateful for how people have observed our COVIDSafe Plan and various procedures, which enables us to keep meeting together in person. Here are some key details to keep in mind that will help things run smoothly.
ARRIVAL TIME – Please arrive between 3:45 – 4:00 pm so you can check-in and find a seat.
LATE ARRIVAL – If there’s no welcomer to greet you, please drop by the Welcome Hub to check-in.
CHAIRS AND SOCIAL DISTANCING – We have put out sufficient chairs to give people options in making seating choices that they feel comfortable with.
CHILDREN’S MINISTRY – Please check your children in as you arrive to make a smoother transition when the children’s programs commence.
MASKS – There is no longer a recommendation to wear masks while singing but you are free to do so if you choose.
Watching online?
New to DPC or just visiting today?
Please fill out this form to connect with us. We’d love to hear your thoughts or if you need help or prayer in some way. If you’re visiting from another church please email us at contact@darebinpc.com.au or send us a message on Facebook.
Regular at DPC
If you’re a regular at DPC and watching online today, we’d appreciate you filling out this form so we can keep caring for you.
We are excited that Noni Buckland and Mari Turner are professing their faith in Christ today and officially becoming members of DPC. Please pray that this occasion would be an encouragement to them and our whole church family.
Visit here to view more about DPC membership, including the membership vows.
CHRISTIANITY EXPLORED COURSE - Monday nights 7:45-9pm, starting on 19 April
If you’ve been intrigued today by the difference that Jesus might make to your life and you’d like to find out more, we’d love you to join us for our upcoming sessions called Christianity Explored. In small groups meeting either on Zoom or in-person in Preston (your choice) you’ll have the opportunity to look at 7 sections of the book of Mark in the Bible (Mark’s eye-witness account about Jesus) and consider who was Jesus? Why did he come and why did he die? What does he mean for us today?
You won't be asked to pray or sing. You can ask any question you like, or just sit and listen.
Email martinelwilson@gmail.com to express interest or for more info, or register here.
Watch a short trailer here.
We will be ordaining Gabby Boyd, Jo Little and Joel Strugnell as deacons during our church service and praying for them as they commence their three year terms in this ministry role.
BOM nominations close today
There are 4 seats open on the DPC Board of Management from 1st July, each for 2 year terms. Nominations to our Board open on 9th May and close on 23rd May 2021. Members of DPC can find paper nomination forms at our Welcome Hub or in an email that has been sent out. If you have any questions please email Ken at Session.Clerk@DarebinPC.com.au or check out this document “What is the Board of Management?”