What to expect?
During a typical Sunday Service we usually:
Sing several songs
Read a passage from the Bible
Hear someone give a talk from the Bible
Pray for each other, the surrounding community, and the world
After the service we always have a drink and something to eat, and sometimes people go out for dinner together - we would love you to join us!
To make your time with us easier we try to:
Avoid (or explain) Christian jargon.
Put people at ease, even if they've never been to church before.
Make it clear that we don't expect visitors to contribute financially to the church.
Do our best not to make "in" references to people, places or events - as if everyone knows what's going on!
Avoid emotional-hype, acting like we've got everything together, and fake religiosity; we're ordinary, open people, who follow Jesus.
We don’t always do well at these things, but we're working on it! By the way, feel free to wear whatever you like – don't feel you need to dress up.