Alive in Christ - Ephesians 2:1-10

In verse 1-3 of this passage Paul speaks about the life we are all saved from - a life of self-centredness - a life of boasting in ourselves and what we do.  Then, in verses 8-10 he speaks about the life we are saved for - a life of Christ-centredness - of boasting in Christ and what he’s done.  And finally, in verses 4-7 he explains he exactly we can move from the life described in verses 1-3 to the life described in verses 8-10.

Experiencing God - Ephesians 1:15-23

All of us were created to know God.  Not just to know about God, but to actually know God.  That’s what Paul prays for the Ephesians in these verses - that they might know and experience the God who has blessed them with every spiritual blessing in Christ.  In particular, that they would know his incomparably great power, seen in the resurrection and exaltation of Christ.

Overflowing Thanks and Praise - Ephesians 1:1-14

All of us praise the people or things that we love.  In this passage Paul is overflowing with thanks and praise because in Christ God has given us every spiritual blessing - including things such as significance, freedom, purpose, security and hope.  We can grow in our thankfulness for what God has done for us by allowing our hearts to be increasingly captured by Christ’s love displayed at the cross, rather than captured by the people or things of this world.